Printing game day rosters
Step 1: CSAN must know who will need access to the roster so they can grant it. If you don’t have a username and/or password for the website below, please contact Rocio at CSAN at 415-467-1881 or at office@csan.net.
Step 2: Click here, and log in using the “Login” button on the left side (not the “Registration” button on the top center of the page).
Step 4: Click on the tab "Teams" and then click “Team Info.” It will bring you to the roster.
Step 6: The roster should look like this (but without the grey blocks)
Step 3: If logging in for the first time, click “Login with email” and create a password. If a password has already been created, click “Login with Username,” and use the CSAN provided username and password you created.
Step 5: Scroll down to the bottom and click the "Print" tab, then select “Game Card.”