League Rules
The Marin Soccer League (the League) is divided into four divisions as follows:
Premier (e.g. open)
Over 35 (O35)
Over 50 (O50)
Over 58 (O58)
The Division will be managed by the Division Director. The Division Director may include a Division Chairman and a Referee Coordinator and a representative from each team in the division, typically the Team Manager.
A Division Meeting of all participating teams will be held prior to each new season under the direction of the Division Manager. At this meeting the Team Managers will organize the details of the new season, create a game schedule, and approve rules changes if applicable to that division, if appropriate.
The Division Directors may define other functions and responsibilities (e.g., Secretary, Scorekeeper, Field Coordinator) as the division grows, and assign them as necessary to volunteer individuals or to existing members
1. Rules of Play
A. Current FIFA rules of play shall be in effect except as specifically stated otherwise in these Rules of play, including the following:
Unlimited substitutions.
A player receiving a yellow card in the O35, O50, and O58 divisions shall be substituted for a period of 5 minutes minimum.
Slide tackles are NOT permitted in the O35, O50, and O58 divisions and will result in an indirect free kick. Going to ground to play the ball is otherwise permitted.
B. The playing seasons will begin on the dates specified by the Division Directors.
C. The League website shall be the official repository of all schedules and standings.
2. Age
A. In the Over 40, Over 50, and O58 divisions, all players must be at least 40 years of age, 50 years of age, or 58 years of age, respectively, by December 31 of the current year in which the League season ends, with the exception defined in B, below.
B. In the O50 division, a team may have a goalkeeper who is at least 45 years of age.
C. Every player must have a valid picture ID at every game. This should be a US Driver’s License, Immigration Card, or Passport.
D. Team Managers may question the age of any opposing player at any time. If proper ID of a questioned player is not presented to the requesting Team Manager, the player cannot continue to play in that game. If it is determined that a Team has violated this rule after the game, the opposing team shall be awarded a win with a score of 3:0.
E. Any player found using a false ID to make himself eligible to play in the division will be suspended indefinitely from playing in the League. Any Team Manager that allows or in any way aids an ineligible player to play will be suspended indefinitely from the League.
3. Registration
A. Division Directors shall be the final authority on all matters concerning the eligibility of teams that fail to meet the registration requirements.
B. All teams must submit their registration fee prior to the start of the new season or as agreed to by the League Treasurer.
C. New teams desiring to join the League must submit an application in advance of the next playing season in the form of a check for registration for the new season (fee amount determined by Division Directors).
4. Rosters
A. All teams shall maintain their rosters on CSAN.
B. Teams using ineligible players will forfeit all games those players have played in, including the game in which the player is discovered.
C. Team Managers will print their game card rosters from the website and bring the printed roster to the game. Before the start of the game, the Team Manager must enter shirt numbers on the roster and present the roster player pass cards to the officials.
D. Maximum number of players per team shall be defined by Division Directors and controlled on the website.
E. Only players on the official team roster will be allowed to play with exceptions as follows:
Guest Player Rule (this only applies to the O50 division).
If a team is short players, guest players may be included to create a total of no more than 11 players, but only with the approval of the opposing Team Manager and subsequent notification to the referee by the opposing Team Manager. Any rostered player who arrives late will take the place of a guest player for the remainder of the game. All guest players must be registered with CSAN. All guest players must conform to age restrictions as described in section 2, above.
5. Uniforms and Equipment
A. Equipment shall consist of a uniform shirt with a clearly legible and unique number, shorts, socks, shin guards, and shoes meeting FIFA requirements.
B. A regulation #5 game ball must be provided by both teams.
C. Player’s numbers must match the numbers on the team Roster, and any exceptions must be disclosed to the referee and the opposing Team Manager prior to the start of the game.
D. A goal keeper playing on the field must wear a shirt that differs in color from the team shirts of either team.
E. In the event of a similar color uniform, the home team (listed first in the schedule) must use alternate shirts. In such a case, numbers are not required.
6. Officials
A. A referee will be assigned by the League Referee Coordinator.
B. If the referee does not show up, the two teams can appoint a player or spectator to referee the game. If the teams cannot agree on a substitute referee, then the game shall be rescheduled.
C. The referee shall be the official time-keeper.
7. Number of Players
A. A minimum of seven (7) players must be on the field at the start of the game to constitute a legal game. A team that falls below the minimum during a game as a result of ejections will forfeit the game.
8. Prior to Games
A. Prior to each game, the referee will confirm that each player is on the official roster and eligible to play by verifying the player pass. A player not on the official roster is ineligible to play. Division Directors shall have the authority to question the identity and age of any player in their division and suspend from play any player whose identity or age is in question until the next Division Director’s meeting or until the Division Director has ascertained the true age and identity of the player.
B. Prior to the start of each regular season game, each manager shall pay the referees their fee. Currently the referees’ fee is $80 per team. Each manager pays $40 for the Center Referee and $40 each for the two assigned Assistant Referees. In the unlikely event that only two referees are assigned/available, the fee will be $70 per team.
9. Game Time and Place
A. Premier games may be played on Saturdays or Sundays. O35 and O58 games shall be played on Saturdays and O50 games on Sundays, at the specific times indicated in the schedule.
B. Teams must be present on the field of play 15 minutes prior to the scheduled kickoff, to allow the referee to check the roster and player passes, and if necessary, player identifications.
C. If a team does not have all its players present at kick-off time, the game will be started if at least seven (7) players from that team are present. If there are fewer than seven players from either team present at the defined kick-off time, the game will be delayed by 10 minutes. If at that time there are still fewer than seven players for one or both teams, the game will be recorded as a forfeit loss to the team (or teams) with fewer than seven players. If the opposition has a sufficient number of players, they will be awarded a forfeit win.
D. The fields are scheduled by the Field Coordinator. The games will take place at the times specified in the schedule. If a game does not start on time, the referee may reduce the playing time accordingly.
E. If bad weather causes a game to be postponed, it will be replayed at the end of the current season. The turf fields are usually playable in all weather conditions.
10. Playing Periods
A. Normal playing periods will consist of two 45 minute halves (40 minute halves for Over 50 Division).
B. No overtime will be played in a regular season game.
C. All games shall be completed as scheduled, except that in the event a game is called because of inclement weather or other hazards (i.e. a broken crossbar), the game will:
1. Be replayed entirely if at least 45 minutes remain to be played.
2. If 15 minutes or more remain to be played, the amount of time remaining will be played as an addendum to the next game between the two teams involved. If this is the last scheduled game between the two teams, the result shall stand.
3. If fewer than 15 minutes remain, the result of the game at termination shall stand.
11. Substitutions
A. Unlimited substitutions are allowed with the consent of the referee at the following times:
1. Goal kick;
2. Corner kick;
2. Goal scored;
3. Half-time;
4. On free kicks;
5. On throw-ins;
6. When the ball is stopped for injury and the injured player is substituted, the other team can substitute.
12. Cautions, Ejections & Conduct
A. Players in the O35, O50, and O58 divisions who receive a cautionary yellow card will be asked to sit out for five (5) minutes. Two (2) yellow cards in a game will automatically count as a red card with a one (1) game suspension.
B. Players who receive a red card will be ejected from the game in which the infraction occurs, and at a minimum cannot play in any league game, regardless of division, until after their rostered team’s next league game. Players who receive a second red card during the same season will be ejected from the game in which the infraction occurs, and at a minimum cannot play in any league game, regardless of division, until after their rostered team’s next two (2) league games. Players receiving three (3) red cards during the same season, are automatically suspended from all league games, regardless of division, for the rest of that division’s season and are subject to further action by the Disciplinary Committee. If ejected in the last game of the season for the division in which the third red card was given, the suspension shall be served in that division’s following season or play-offs. The recipient of the red card shall also be prohibited from playing in any league games in any other division, until his suspension period has been completed. By reason of suspension, the team for which he illegally plays shall forfeit that game. Changing teams will not void the suspension(s),
C. Ejected players are automatically required to leave the field and the vicinity of the playing area, unless the referee and the opposing Team Manager both agree to allow the ejected player to remain at the field. If an ejected player refuses to vacate the field and its vicinity, unless instructed otherwise by the referee, or causes dissent, the referee shall stop the game and that player’s team shall forfeit the game. In this case, the ejected player will be subject to disciplinary action by the Division Directors.
D. Any player verbally or physically abusing or attempting to physically abuse another player, referee or spectator and/or his property will be dealt with severely, up to and including ejection from the League. The Disciplinary Committee will address these events on a case-by-case basis and determine appropriate action.
Potential punishment:
Flagrant foul with intent to injure opposing player, as reported by the referee – three (3) games
Abusing any of the officiating crew verbally – three (3) games
Striking or attempting to strike opposing player – eight (8) games
These guidelines are merely examples of the punishment to be handed down and the League reserves the right to administer punishment depending on the nature of the event.
E. If a player plays in a league game, regardless of division, in which he is ineligible by reason of suspension, the team for which he illegally plays shall forfeit the game. The recipient shall also be prohibited from playing in any other division, until his suspension period has been completed. Changing teams will not void the suspension.
F. A forfeited game will not count towards completion of a suspended player’s period of suspension.
G. All members of the team are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the League. It is the Team Manager’s/Coach's responsibility to control his players and spectators.
H. No alcoholic beverages are permitted before or during any league game. If the field is in a non-alcohol area, this must be respected even after a game.
I. Player suspensions, when imposed, will apply across the League in all divisions and to guest players.
13. Disciplinary Committee
A. The Disciplinary Committee will rule on issues brought to its attention by the referee’s game report or by formal statement in writing by any Team Manager. The committee will consist of:
The Disciplinary Chair
A Referee Representative
One Team Manager from each of the divisions rotated on an annual basis
B. Any Team Manager has the right to appeal by paying a fee of $70 to the League and submitting their statement to the Division Director, who will forward it to the Board and the Appeal Committee. The Appeal Committee will consist of:
The Senior Referee
Division Directors from each division
14. Competition Format
A. League Championship
Each Division League Championship will be contested twice a year in a Fall/Winter Season and again in a Spring/Summer Season. The champion determined by a points system.
B. Playoff Cup Competition (O50 Division only)
At the conclusion of the League Championship, the O50 division will be divided into an ‘A’ subdivision, consisting of the top four teams in the final division standings, and a ‘B’ subdivision, consisting of the next four teams in the standings. Each subdivision will compete for their respective subdivision cup. Teams will be seeded in the competition as per their final division standing. Teams in ninth place or below in the final division standings will not be eligible to participate in the playoffs.
15. Results and League Standings
A. For the purpose of determining standings:
Three (3) points shall be awarded for a win, or a win by forfeit.
One (1) point shall be awarded for a tie.
Zero (0) points will be awarded for a loss, or a loss by forfeit.
B. All results and cautions shall be communicated to the Division Directors (phone or email) by the Center Referee no later than 24 hours after the game.
C. If teams are tied on points at the end of the season, the following rules shall be used to break the tie:
Total goal difference (across division)
Total goals scored (across division)
Head to Head goal difference
Head to Head goals scored
Coin Flip
D. If a division is divided into upper and lower subdivisions, at the end of the season, the last place team in the upper subdivision will be relegated to the lower subdivision and the first place team in the lower subdivision will be promoted to the upper subdivision for the next season (where possible).
E. A team that forfeits three (3) or more games in a season is subject to being dropped from the League at the discretion of the Division Directors.
F. The over 50 division will record scores with a maximum goal difference of 5 goals.
16. Game Cancellations
A. Teams are able to request cancellation of their game once per season as long as it is done no later than Wednesday before their scheduled game. If the game is cancelled after Wednesday, the opposing team will be awarded a forfeit.